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Our approach has been designed through our work with over 200 organisations and 5,000 Account Directors/Managers.

In the boardroom we work with the senior team to :-

  • Discuss the internal state of readiness and define KAM policies
  • Develop the foundations needed to support an effective key account management campaign and identify issues and obstacles that may limit progress once the programme starts to roll-out.
  • Determine how the programme will be measured using our "identifiable, quantifiable and auditable" criteria
"I was impressed that Pareto carried out their KAMpaign Audit to assess our state of readiness for their three-part process. It identified some key Director-level issues and obstacles that needed to be addressed to create the foundations for the successes that followed."

In the training room we work with relationship directors and teams to:-

  • Provide an insight into the principles and tactics of key account management
  • Build the "Pareto Partner Plan" — the tool to manage the key accounts
  • Develop the Techniques to gain intelligence, set objectives and execute multi-level tactics.
"I loved the Partner Plan - it's strength is its simplicity. It is applied common sense but in our company common sense is not necessarily common practice.

Had we been operating the Pareto Partner Plan we would not have lost three of our most important accounts during the last twelve months!"

In the field we work with relationship managers and support staff to:

  • Provide regular coaching and support to engineer success
  • Review and discuss progress on nominated key account plans and assess the many different tactical options
  • Build confidence and motivation so that further key account plans can be built and implemented to generate sustainable results

"Pareto's sector specific team was of great value during the implementation phase due to its experience and expertise and its friendly but challenging style"